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    ZEN tranfer to card number

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    Send money from your ZEN account to any Mastercard, no matter the bank it was issued by

    Transfer money to Card Number

    Imagine this:
    You’re making fast, secure, and affordable international transfers to any Mastercard® card number, regardless of the location of you or your recipient. Sounds like a dream? With ZEN, this is your reality!

    Seamless transfers to any Mastercard

    You no longer have to worry about making a mistake while entering those long account numbers – all you need is the card number.

    Your money will be delivered almost instantly, and it costs nearly nothing, with only a 1% transfer fee. Whether it’s a local or international transfer, you can save money on every transaction thanks to our lowest transfer fees.

    How it works

    1️. Open the ZEN.COM app on your device.
    2️. Choose the currency you want to transfer.
    3️. Select the “Transfer to Card” method.
    4️. Enter the recipient’s card number.
    5️. Double-check the details and confirm the transfer.

    Why is this a game-changer

    • Convenience: Make instant transactions directly to cards, perfect for urgent payments or unexpected expenses
    • Lower fees: Save on transaction fees as card-to-card transfers have lower fees than traditional bank transfers
    • International transfers: Save on high international bank transfer fees as card-to-card transfers work globally. It’s a great way to send money to friends and family overseas.


    Experience the power of seamless money transfers with ZEN’s “Transfer to Card Number” feature. Because you deserve to make transfers that are as fast, secure, and affordable as possible!